Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I wonder as I wander: St. Luke's has a labyrinth!

The labyrinth on the left; prayer chapel on the right
We celebrate the completion of a walking meditation prayer labyrinth on the St. Luke's campus! This project was conceived by our evangelism committee as another way to welcome people and invite them to engage with God. By walking the labyrinth's path (one way in and one way out) the walker slows down and takes a little pilgrimage toward God as they wind and turn toward the center. 
Later, when our parish went through a "dream work" process to identify our dreams for the buildings and campus, the idea of a labyrinth emerged as a priority. When St. Luker and Eagle Scout candidate, Kirby C., was looking for a project, we suggested it to him, and he enthusiastically agreed to research and execute the design and building of the labyrinth. The bricks outlining the pathways were leftover from when our church was built in the late 1960's and recently rediscovered in a pile elsewhere on our property. Kirby and his crew of volunteers (Eagle Scout candidates are supposed to lead the project not do it all themselves) have just about finished their work. The labyrinth is adjacent to another Eagle Scout project from years ago, our outdoor chapel (designed and built by Wes B., who is now a youth group adviser). We hope to use this area of the campus much more often now. Many, many thanks to Kirby and all those who lent their time and energy to make this project become a reality. Now it is time for a group of St. Luker's to adopt the labyrinth and share it with the congregation and the community. Be in touch with us if you are interested in becoming a "labyrinth keeper."
Kirby C. the Eagle Scout candidate who made this happen.
Above: the site before. Below: Mr. Foreman
gathering the bricks from the hidden brick pile in the woods
digging the trenches for the pathway borders

work crew as the labyrinth is coming together

laying out bricks. The bricks are reinforced by  metal rods and concrete
With gravel added, now the labyrinth is ready for walking

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Supplies needed for Holy Cross Anglican School in Belize

children in a classroom at Holy Cross Anglican School
Here is a list of ways you can contribute to our Belize mission teams who are leaving in early February. The supplies are packed in suitcases and hand delivered by our team members. Everything needs to be collected by January 27. Bring the items to the Sprague Room where there is a collection area. You can see much more about  our past Belize trips on our Belize blog: http://stlukesinbelize.blogspot.com/

Feeding Program financial contributions: urgent and will be matched 1:1 by Holy Cross Anglican School 
Foundation until 12/31/2012 (tax-deductible check to St. Luke’s with HCAS Feeding Program on memo line)

San Mateo Sewing Center financial contributions for Team to buy supplies on San Pedro (tax deductible check to St Luke’s with San Mateo Sewing Center on memo line) 

Used simple and functioning (working) digital cameras for a student Literacy Through Photography Project 
2013 (not new cameras)

Security Torch (heavy duty spot light type, weather proof, rechargeable)
Memory USB sticks for teachers (10-20)
Plastic medals for sports competitions (gold, silver, bronze) - 100 each
Portable scale (heavy duty only) for child weights
Jumbo permanent markers (not dry erase) - all colors - especially red, blue, green and black)
Paperback dictionaries (student dictionaries)(English)
Teacher geometry sets (large size compass, protractor, set squares)
Bulletin Board Borders - all colors and patterns (not alphabet or numbers which HCAS has)
Basic medical supplies - durable blood pressure cuffs (adult, adolescent and children) 
Envelopes (regular and legal size)
1 foot rulers
Post It Notes
Staples (standard desk stapler ¼ inch size)
Dry or chalk board erasers (new)
Glass microscope slides and cover glass
Clear packing tape (for laminating)
Red and blue pens
Laminating pouches - letter size - heat activated
White and cream card stock - letter size
Craft books for children, for class projects
Please do not donate (HCAS has an adequate supply on hand):
Old books, crayons, glue sticks, lead pencils and writing paper

If you prefer to make a financial contribution, please write your check to St. Luke’s with Belize supplies on 
the memo line.